Hi readers! Welcome to my blog
I am Najihah Pazaer or you can call me jia. I am now currently enrolling in Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Applied English Language Studies at Kolej Universiti Poly-Tech Mara Kuala Lumpur. 

Being a teacher has always been my dream profession for as long as I can remember. I would like to be an inspirational teacher for my future students and even though it is a very difficult task, and requires life-long dedication and I'm willing to give my very best to be one. 

I was once a committed mentor for Permata Interact Programme and teach English to underprivileged students. However, as Permata Interact are now getting shut down for good, I am trying to let myself involve more in voluntary work. 

This blog is made solely for Internet Technology For Language class and it is hope that I am able to update this blog religiously from time to time. 


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